Monthly Archives: July 2012

Sadie Nardini Damage Control “Punk Rock” (TM) Style /// PLUS: 10 Things You Never Knew About My Right Hand

Way back in February we put up an article making fun of a year-old NYT profile on YAMA Talent and yogilebrity agents, asking whether or not such commercial entities were more dangerous to yoga in America than John Friend’s penis.

Sadie Nardini Damage Control “Punk Rock” (TM) Style /// PLUS: 10 Things You Never Knew About My Right Hand

Way back in February we put up an article making fun of a year-old NYT profile on YAMA Talent and yogilebrity agents, asking whether or not such commercial entities were more dangerous to yoga in America than John Friend’s penis.

[NSFW (in every way)] Yoga Undressed Remains Undressed

[WARNING: This post contains visuals of all life’s God-given flesh] Happened to come across this link to one of Yoga Undressed‘s promo videos in our comments and thought, “You know what the readers of the Babarazzi need? A nice eyeful

[NSFW (in every way)] Yoga Undressed Remains Undressed

[WARNING: This post contains visuals of all life’s God-given flesh] Happened to come across this link to one of Yoga Undressed‘s promo videos in our comments and thought, “You know what the readers of the Babarazzi need? A nice eyeful

Is This the Greatest Yoga Video of All Time?

The truth is, we’ve had these Travis Elliot “Ultimate Yogi” videos in our sights for over a month, thanks to Babs reader, Dyspeptic Skeptic, but were never quite sure how to present them. At first it seemed like a no-brainer to

Is This the Greatest Yoga Video of All Time?

The truth is, we’ve had these Travis Elliot “Ultimate Yogi” videos in our sights for over a month, thanks to Babs reader, Dyspeptic Skeptic, but were never quite sure how to present them. At first it seemed like a no-brainer to

Elena Brower and Co. Need $60K for Yoga Book /// Wanna Pay For It? /// GLBL YOGA Take Deux

Most things that become “cool” in the mainstream world… …are first crafted and made awesome in the underground subculture world. Skinny jeans, pointy-toed shoes, surfing, trucker caps, tattoos, yoga, dreadlocks, vegan/vegetarianism, recycling, fixed-gear bicycles, beards, Andrew Weil (‘s beard), “health

Elena Brower and Co. Need $60K for Yoga Book /// Wanna Pay For It? /// GLBL YOGA Take Deux

Most things that become “cool” in the mainstream world… …are first crafted and made awesome in the underground subculture world. Skinny jeans, pointy-toed shoes, surfing, trucker caps, tattoos, yoga, dreadlocks, vegan/vegetarianism, recycling, fixed-gear bicycles, beards, Andrew Weil (‘s beard), “health

Sadie Nardini Weight Loss??? /// We Agree

Blog-time is not the same as real-world-time. For example, a debate that happened in the blogoshpere three months ago (i.e. the debate over Sadie Nardini’s online “weight loss” ads) feels as far away now as a debate that happened in

Sadie Nardini Weight Loss??? /// We Agree

Blog-time is not the same as real-world-time. For example, a debate that happened in the blogoshpere three months ago (i.e. the debate over Sadie Nardini’s online “weight loss” ads) feels as far away now as a debate that happened in

How the 1988 Crystal Light Championships Compare to Contemporary Commercial Yoga Culture

Whenever I watch this video of the 1988 Crystal Light Aerobic Championships, which is often, I keep wondering why it reminds me of the contemporary commercial yoga scene. Take a look: And then take a look again: Now, here’s what

How the 1988 Crystal Light Championships Compare to Contemporary Commercial Yoga Culture

Whenever I watch this video of the 1988 Crystal Light Aerobic Championships, which is often, I keep wondering why it reminds me of the contemporary commercial yoga scene. Take a look: And then take a look again: Now, here’s what

/ News


As of last night, GLBL YOGA has decided to cancel their gigantic August 16th entertainment yoga event in Central Park. This on the same day our most recent critique of the event went up and was gaining all that frightening

/ News


As of last night, GLBL YOGA has decided to cancel their gigantic August 16th entertainment yoga event in Central Park. This on the same day our most recent critique of the event went up and was gaining all that frightening

Will GLBL YOGA Happen Whether You Want it To or Not? /// Wealth-Based Democracy, Rigged Capitalism, and How Local Studios Will Foot the Bill

As of today, and with only five days left, GLBL YOGA has raised a whopping 2% of the total costs needed to secure this year’s event on August 16th in Central Park. So far, out of the total $675,000 pitch

Will GLBL YOGA Happen Whether You Want it To or Not? /// Wealth-Based Democracy, Rigged Capitalism, and How Local Studios Will Foot the Bill

As of today, and with only five days left, GLBL YOGA has raised a whopping 2% of the total costs needed to secure this year’s event on August 16th in Central Park. So far, out of the total $675,000 pitch

Your Body is a Toxic Wasteland /// And Other Unfortunate Ways To View the Temple

As a sorta, kinda, not really, but what the hell follow-up/appendix to IAYB’s recent post on Kathryn Budig’s discussion of bodily curvatures, I thought I’d drop a link to this amazing piece of Elephant Journal literature, “Three Reasons Why Yoga

Your Body is a Toxic Wasteland /// And Other Unfortunate Ways To View the Temple

As a sorta, kinda, not really, but what the hell follow-up/appendix to IAYB’s recent post on Kathryn Budig’s discussion of bodily curvatures, I thought I’d drop a link to this amazing piece of Elephant Journal literature, “Three Reasons Why Yoga

[YOGA BLEACHING] Take These Oily Pills and Do Yoga Better

Now, I’ve been known to down a couple gulps of cod liver oil in my day. Makes me feel good, seems to help keep the poohs in order, and allows my skin to not be a scaly wreck. And yet,

[YOGA BLEACHING] Take These Oily Pills and Do Yoga Better

Now, I’ve been known to down a couple gulps of cod liver oil in my day. Makes me feel good, seems to help keep the poohs in order, and allows my skin to not be a scaly wreck. And yet,

Coca-Cola, Wanderlust, and Corporatized Yoga

Thanks to one of our readers for hipping us to “Yoga Loses It’s Innocence (Or, “How Yoga has Gone Bananas / Pear-Shaped”),” an article that meanders through the now seemingly defunct Coca-Cola–Wanderlust connection that few people seem to know or

Coca-Cola, Wanderlust, and Corporatized Yoga

Thanks to one of our readers for hipping us to “Yoga Loses It’s Innocence (Or, “How Yoga has Gone Bananas / Pear-Shaped”),” an article that meanders through the now seemingly defunct Coca-Cola–Wanderlust connection that few people seem to know or

I Can’t Help But Feel That “White Yoga” Sounds (And Kinda Looks) Like an Aryan Pride Festival

Now, I’m not saying White Yoga has anything to do with white-power, but I tell you what…. If I were a yogini blissed out on the whacked out ideals of the “Master Race,” I might take a cue from this

I Can’t Help But Feel That “White Yoga” Sounds (And Kinda Looks) Like an Aryan Pride Festival

Now, I’m not saying White Yoga has anything to do with white-power, but I tell you what…. If I were a yogini blissed out on the whacked out ideals of the “Master Race,” I might take a cue from this