Posts Tagged: art of attention

Elena Brower and Co. Need $60K for Yoga Book /// Wanna Pay For It? /// GLBL YOGA Take Deux

Most things that become “cool” in the mainstream world… …are first crafted and made awesome in the underground subculture world. Skinny jeans, pointy-toed shoes, surfing, trucker caps, tattoos, yoga, dreadlocks, vegan/vegetarianism, recycling, fixed-gear bicycles, beards, Andrew Weil (‘s beard), “health

Elena Brower and Co. Need $60K for Yoga Book /// Wanna Pay For It? /// GLBL YOGA Take Deux

Most things that become “cool” in the mainstream world… …are first crafted and made awesome in the underground subculture world. Skinny jeans, pointy-toed shoes, surfing, trucker caps, tattoos, yoga, dreadlocks, vegan/vegetarianism, recycling, fixed-gear bicycles, beards, Andrew Weil (‘s beard), “health